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Sunday 1 February 2015

Silurian Grove 2015 Update

Hi, it has been a while since we have updated this Blog because we have a very active Facebook Group page "Friends of Silurian Grove".  After experimenting with a website for a bit we don't currently have a website running, but for those not on Facebook, then 'stuff' will be posted here on this blog site (well, until we get someone creative to design a better page...)

On 31st January 2015, our Grove celebrated our third Imbolc ritual  at Tinkinswood Burial Chamber near Cardiff.

Our next planned event will be on Saturday 21 March 2015, the time to be announced. This will be our vernal equinox/Ostara gathering and we hope to have some fun with the theme of The Element of Air

We hope to hold this celebration at our usual place, at Coed Y Wenallt Woods, near Caerphilly Mountain.

Based in the area around South East Wales, the Silurian Grove is a family friendly meet up of those inspired by the land, nature and ancestors stories of Celtic Britain and Ireland. You may identify with paganism or simply consider the earth to be sacred.

We are particularly blessed in South Wales with a beautiful and magical landscape, a treasure house of myth and legend, a unique cultural history and a long tradition of radicalism and free-thinking! We especially encourage the creative and 'bardic' arts and environmental activism.

Many of our members are also bilingual in Welsh and English, while some are still learning...

For more information, please send your enquiry  to druids[one][at] or if you live in South Wales  or just visiting why not seek us out on Facebook.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Dear reader, if you are interested in the Silurian Grove which is active in South East Wales in the United Kingdom, please find us on Facebook, where our group name is 'Friends of Silurian Grove'

Saturday 20 April 2013

Hello 2012, I, along with two other very creative people, started the Silurian Grove Facebook Group to link up with others in the Cardiff area who are  interested in Druidry  and who believe the earth and nature is sacred.  In my case I had been  involved in paganism for about 10 years already and 'Silurian Grove' was briefly the name of my personal blog. As this blog page is still the first to pop up when one Googles the Grove name, I thought I'd retain it for the time being...and because I might do some more personal blogging.  In fact there been some form of druid group , most recently an OBOD seed group with the same name for a number of years. We are  just its latest incarnation. The 'Silurians' of course were the original Iron Age tribe of South Wales at the time of the Roman Conquest, in the first century CE.

The Grove is aimed at those who may live in South Wales or just feel a deep personal or ancestral connection with our beautiful and magical land.  With the help of many wonderful and creative druid and pagan friends the Facebook Group has grown. We have also created a network of  environmental activists affiliated to the Grove and this is group of 'Earth Warriors' is called the Silurian Warrior Collective. Actions that members of the Warrior Collective have been involved in include opposing the badger cull in Gloucestershire and also opposing fracking. We welcome the sharing of any information about environmental campaigns and projects within the Grove. As believers in the sacredness of the earth, we think we should walk the walk as well as talk the talk.

Recently, because not everyone wants to be on Facebook, we have begun developing our website and we are also in the process of developing an alternative online forum for those regularly involved n the Grove.
We are not currently affiliated to any  larger druid group or order, but many of our members are also involved in activities with OBOD, the Druid Network, the British Druid Order, and the Pagan Federation for example. Some of those who join  us also have an interest in other pagan paths and forms of spirituality, such as Hellenic paganism, Classical British Paganism and the Hermetic traditions.

We know others don't  want to belong to a larger group but just like to do their own special thing. Solitary "hedge" Druids and pagans in Wales are particularly welcome to join in/or connect with us online even if they don't do public ritual. Like the Silurian tribe of old we consider ourselves be a 'loose confederation of clans' .  Everyone is welcome to  contribute to the develop of ritual and any other activity within the Grove. The nearest we have to an organising committee is the admins for the various Facebook pages and other online sites, though we do like to meet people in person.  While we have common and overlapping interests we are very diverse, have many different visitors to our rituals and would like to celebrate and value each person's very personal  experience of the Awen. We also like to give everyone an opportunity to show off their Bardic  and artistic gifts such as poetry, music, drama, graphic design and website development and craftwork.

As well as having an online presence where we share news, ideas and inspiration relevant to Druidry and Paganism in South Wales, we also meet socially and for 'real ritual.   

To date our grove has held rituals at Imbolc and Ostara/Spring Equinox at Tinkinswood Burial Chamber, and Beltane at Coed-y-Wenallt Woods, Rhiwbina, Cardiff.  Most of the rituals are made child friendly, but for more information in advance please just enquire. After ritual we like to gather in a local watering hole or cafĂ© for refreshment and chat. Informal social gatherings or 'moots' and even a camp have been held at other locations around Cardiff

For more information: check out our website or email the writer Phil with the heading 'Silurian Grove'  to  druids1[at]virginmedia[dot]com

Phil (last updated  12/10/2014)
The Silurian Grove is an 'E-Grove', a Facebook Group to informally connect those who practice or are interested in druidry in the region of South Wales in the United Kingdom. You will probably live in the South Wales area or feel a deep personal connection to our land. It is a land of rugged beauty - mountains, valleys, rivers and forest - and of mystery, story and legend. This group is named after the "Celtic" Silures tribe of Iron Age Britain (Prydain). The Silurian lands stretched from the Towy to the Wye, from the Black Mountains to the Severn Estuary.

Our Grove Symbol